justLAND.info “Land for layman” is our philosophy in dealing with “land”.
In the past, many rich, famous and powerful, undoubtedly including the warlords, embezzled their fortunes by the control and possession of land resources. This has been many time proven true in history, and yet today, you still see people making fortunes in land-banking!
Today, land is the State Matter, at least in Malaysia.
Hence, control and ownership of land through registration as in Torrens System, is a legal process under provisions of the National Land Code as well as the State Land Codes/Ordinances/Enactments.
However, as of the 21st Century (2024 now), land resource is still very much in the hand of only a few. WHY?
There are many possible reasons for such phenomenon. One being land resource is under the control of the powerful people in the State – as stakeholder of the land and its inhabitants. Moreover, there is also the social and political sensitivity of protection of rights of bumiputra and natives. Furthermore, the issue of national security as of boundaries and economic distribution of the various sub-sectors of the economy. Land, inevitably is for physical occupancies and settlements, not limited to the production of crops and ensuring passage ways – river, irrigation and water catchments for the wealth of the nation. It also plays an important role in environment and ecological impacts to the country.
Previously, land ownership and dealings were very much “off-line”. Most of us general public would not have access to the records of land transactions. The value of land was in the hands of very few, professionals like land economists, valuers, or among the land-brokers or land-bankers. The land market was very inefficient.
Now, with internet and iT, much have changed. In justLand.info, we would like to take on a challenge to forge a new frontier in “Land Deals” by collecting information about land in a layman – easy to interpret manner.
justLAND.info is a platform to present to the WORLD that land information can be organized in a layman term, so that everyone can have access to information about LAND, and its value. Thank you!
Admin (21 Apr, 2024)