24 April, 2024 by Site Admin
WHAT we do
We sell listings – be it real estate, automobile, financial products or services like repair and maintenance, we are advertisers. What we do is commonly called “advertising” or “promotion of a listing” or “making known“.
HOW we do it
We carry out our “WHAT” activities – which is ‘advertising’ or ‘promotion’ by using various PLATFORMS. We have developed the below platforms:
- findwhere.info = geolinking of business opportunities
- contract2u.com = comparative index in ‘complatformtising’ – comparative platform advertising
- myrealproperty.online = profile yourself! Using social media, YouTube Video in profile specific promotions
- justland.info = Land for layman, a platform for land deals by land owners, brokers and prospects
- midtermrent.online = 1month<X<1year, medium term rental platform targeting the new economy
- ejenharta.com = MIEA Sarawak Branch Website
WHY we do it
We strongly believe that “PEOPLE” are above “Products”, you are more than what you sell!
Amidst the myriad of internet systems, websites, platforms and e-commerce portals, we strongly believe that as a salesperson, you have to identify your purpose and value in delivering your service in this competitive world of commodities. It is NOT about selling the cheapest Product!
The disruption you see in diminishing identity of a salesperson is “cost stripped” commodities. The public do NOT see the SELLER or the SALESPERSON, they only see the PRODUCTS – best that it is the cheapest among all. it is harder and harder to distinguish value from price and cost. Indeed, cost is the major consideration in most transactions.
However, we strongly believe that despite such intense competition, as salesperson we should embrace technology to differentiate ourselves. One of the ways is to believe in PEOPLE, and not product – is the reason WHY there is a transaction. We want to challenge the notion that the decision to engage in a deal is about PEOPLE, not about Product. In other words, by enhancing our value of salesmanship, we believe we can overcome competition.